
Thoughts along the way, mostly of a religious and spiritual nature. I can’t quite bring myself to delete this possibility, but neither can I quite bring myself to write it. A decision is called for…


I was walking along North Street and met a man whom I know slightly. As we walked along chatting I mentioned that my mother has shingles. He said, and I quote word for word: “At 96 you have to wonder about the functionality of life…” I was a bit taken aback. Now I don’t want … Read more

Sunday, Transfiguration

Today is the Second Sunday of Lent. (After ten days how is Lent going?) The Gospel passage for today is the Transfiguration, taken from Matthew 17:1-9 (also found in Mark 9:2-14 and Luke 9:28-36). Part of its relevance for us seems to be in the need we have to see the beauty and truth of … Read more


Personally, I find that all too often the season’s of the Church’s year pass by, more or less hidden in the stream of daily life. I am trying to prevent that happening this year. So I thought I would start making a few comments in the hope of helping me in my resolve … I … Read more